Publisher Rates

Base Rates

Package Description / Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Desktop Mobile / Tablet
United Kingdom $30.0000 $30.0000
United States $15.0000 $15.0000
New Zealand $15.0000 $15.0000
Canada $13.0000 $13.0000
Finland $10.0000 $10.0000
Switzerland $6.0000 $6.0000
Saudi Arabia $6.0000 $6.0000
France $5.0000 $6.0000
Germany $6.0000 $6.0000
Kuwait $6.0000 $6.0000
Russian Federation $5.0000 $5.0000
Qatar $5.0000 $5.0000
Greece $5.0000 $5.0000
Denmark $5.0000 $5.0000
Oman $5.0000 $5.0000
United Arab Emirates $5.0000 $5.0000
Egypt $5.0000 $5.0000
Spain $4.5000 $4.5000
Malaysia $4.5000 $4.5000
Mexico $4.2000 $4.2000
Pakistan $4.2000 $4.2000
Colombia $4.2000 $4.2000
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $4.1000 $4.1000

Base Rates are not final. Our internal CPM may change slightly daily based on dynamic ad data we receive. Changes are small and very close to the very high rates listed above so you will still earn more with us :)